Devlog #3

Rouge-like Revolution

Hey there, Knockback Community! We've been listening to your feedback, cooking up some awesome updates, and dreaming big about the future of Project Knockback. Get ready for some exciting changes and a sneak peek into our ambitious plans that will take our chaotic combat to new heights!

What's New

Run Like You Mean It!

New Running Animation

We've revamped the running animation to make it more engaging and dynamic. Now, when you sprint across the battlefield, you'll really feel the urgency and excitement of the chase (or escape)! It's not just about moving faster; it's about looking awesome while you do it.

Tooltips: Your Guide to Knockback Mastery

Tooltip UI Example

New to the game or need a refresher? We've got you covered! We've added helpful tooltips to our levels, guiding you through the ins and outs of Knockback combat. These tips will help both newcomers and veterans alike to up their game and unleash maximum chaos.

The Future is Roguelike: Our Exciting Plans!

Now, let's talk about the future. We're thrilled to announce that Project Knockback is evolving, and we're setting our sights on turning it into a full-fledged rogue-like experience! Here's a taste of what we're working on:

  • Wave-based Mayhem

We're developing a level where you'll face waves of increasingly challenging enemies. How long can you survive the onslaught? This will be our testing ground for the rogue-like mechanics, so your feedback will be crucial!

  • Shop 'Til You Drop

Shop Concept Art Example

Shop Concept Art (Will Change!)

Between levels, you'll have the chance to visit a shop where you can buy and swap out perks. The choice is yours! Strategize and customize your playstyle to tackle the challenges ahead.

  • Currency-Collecting Carnage

We're introducing currency as a measure of progression. The more enemies you defeat, the more you earn! Save up for that game-changing perk – the economy of chaos is in your hands!

Ready to join the chaos?

Head over to our Discord community and become part of the action!

We'll be actively engaging with players, sharing exciting updates, and listening closely to your feedback as we shape the future of Project Knockback together.

Visit our site to stay up to date to the latest news and updates! Or more information around the devlog!

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